Holy Redeemer parish strives to provide safe, environmentally friendly, comfortable and well appointed facilities for its parishioners. We are especially proud of our church and school facilities and maintain these in excellent condition. We look, as all parishes do, to our parishioners for the funds necessary to meet the considerable costs of maintenance of all facilities and property including our parking lots and athletics' field. Our Archdiocesan offices that provide many programs in support of the parishes must also receive a portion of parishioner donations. Parishioners have responded very well in supporting our parish.
Holy Redeemer parish facilities including our church and school, are extensive and require maintenance, repair and attention just as parishioners' homes do. To ensure that parishioners have a comfortable environment in which to worship, heating and cooling must be provided. Combined with maintenance and the other aspects of upkeep, monthly bills are considerable and must be paid. The parish must also contribute its fair share of funds to the Archdiocesan fund for overall services provided by the Pastoral Center. The parish relies on the funds donated weekly by parishioners to meet these significant costs. Though envelopes can be provided to parishioners for purposes of making their weekly donations both regular and for special purposes such as missionary support, the Faith Direct method of donating is highly recommended as it eliminates the use of checks by parishioners and ensures a steady income for the parish. It is an environmentally friendly way to support the parish. To register for Faith Direct go to www.faithdirect.net and use Holy Redeemer's Church code MD209. During the summer months when many parishioners are away on vacation, the Faith Direct deposit program ensures that the parish income is maintained at a level adequate to meet necessary costs.
Download the Faith Direct app today Apple Store, Google Play Store and make a One-Time Gift to Holy Redeemer!
If you are a new parishioner you are asked to contact the rectory at 301-942-2333 to register and at that time will be gven the opportunity to be placed on the envelope distribution list or have your questions answered regarding the Faith Direct program.
All parishes are asked to contribute annualy to the Cardinal's Appeal - Washington, D.C., the principal source of funds available for programs to help those in need in our broader Archdiocesan area. Additionally, funds from this source support the education of our seminarians to ensure that there are enough priests to serve our people in parishes and chaplaincies throughout the Archdiocese. Holy Redeemer parishioners have consistently responded most generously to this appeal. Even in the most difficult socio-economic times, our parishioners have embraced Christ's command to care for the poor and needy.
Since earliest Christian times and in the spirit of Christ's teaching, the faithful have given of their time, talent and treasure to assist those in need. Holy Redeemer encourages all parishioners to make donations in the poor boxes located at the church entrances. These funds are accumulated and dispensed throughout the year to worthy charities primarily in the Washington area but also to others abroad. In every instance these funds go to organizations that are engaged in assisting those in need. The Farm of the Child orphanage in Honduras has been a recipient of funds in recent years as has missionary work in Guatemala. Donating in the poor boxes is an excellent way to meet Christ's command to help the poor and needy.