In June, we shared information from the Maryland Catholic Bishops about the "Maryland RIght to Reproductive Freedom Amendment". This Amendment is a ballot proposal that, if passed, would enshrine abortion in the Maryland Constitution. It will be on the ballot in November 2024. Regardless if this Amendment passes or not, abortion in Maryland will still be legal through all nine months (based on physician determination.) Maryland is one of the most radical states in term of abortions and we have a late term abortion clinic right down the street from us in Bethesda - Clinic for Abortion & Reproductive Excellence (CARE) - they specialize in second and third term trimester abortions.
So- WHY DO WE CARE ABOUT THIS AMENDMENT IF ABORTION IS STILL LEGAL WITHOUT IT? A number of reasons - A constitutional amendment creates a new legal standard that supersedes pre-existing laws. To change it, requires an amendment in the state constitution which requires passage of a bill in the Maryland General Assembly followed by another ballot question for the voters. Also, the language in the bill is vague and opens up the door beyond abortion into other areas. Stay tuned for more information. Visit the following webistes: Maryland Catholic Conference -, Maryland RIght to Life - and Health Not Harm -
Message 4: Are you Aware of the Duplicitous Language in the Reproductive Freedom Amendment?
Here's the text of the proposed amendment that will be on the ballot in the 2024 election: "That every person, as a central component of an individual's right to liberty and equality, has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom, including but not limited to the ability to make and effectuate decisions to prevent, continue, or end one’s own pregnancy. The State may not, directly or indirectly, deny, burden, or abridge the right unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means.” Here are some implied/hidden problems:
1. By using the phrase “every person", the amendment is saying that this applies to all people – males and females - regardless of age. This makes it possible for minors to engage in life-changing and damaging activities without parental consent, thus removing parental authority over their children in crucial decisions. Efforts to provide age-limits to the amendment were rejected in the General Assembly.
2. By using the phrase “including but not limited to”, the amendment is making provisions for
anything that would affect the reproductive system, including “gender destroying” treatments that are masquerading as “gender-affirming” treatments. When coupled with the previous paragraph, it’s easy to see how this amendment would allow for minors to undergo life-changing damage and all of this without parental consent. Again, debaters asked that “reproductive freedom” be replaced with “abortion,” simply to limit the potential damage inflicted by this amendment; again, the General Assembly rejected such a change.
For more information about this amendment, visit: Maryland Catholic, Maryland Right to or Health Not and read our previous messages on the parish website:
Message #6 - Reproductive Freedom Amendment - Question One on the November 2024 Maryland state election ballot asks Maryland voters to vote “yes” or “no” on whether to amend the Maryland Constitution to include the “The Reproductive Freedom Amendment” (RFA). Over the past two months, we've been providing information on the RFA and its consequences. Below is the next message about the risk to healthcare workers' rights that would be impacted by this amendment:
Risks Healthcare Workers Rights - this would come into play with respect to Maryland health care workers: doctors, nurses and others in the health care field. Currently, Maryland law provides protection for Maryland health care workers who, as a matter of conscience, refuse to participate in artificial insemination, sterilization, or termination of pregnancy (e.g. abortion). This is sometimes referred to as the “conscience clause”. They may not be subjected to lawsuit or to disciplinary proceedings by their employer for their refusal. With the passage of the RFA, however, these rights could be viewed as being in conflict with the constitutional right to abortion. As such, RFA could be used to overturn this statutory protection. Then Maryland health care workers who refused to participate in an abortion for reasons of conscience, could be forced to do so or risk termination of employment. Maryland health care institutions could be forced to adopt such policies denying rights of conscience to their employees. Health care workers could be forced to choose between violating their conscience by participating in an abortion or losing their jobs. Health care institutions – Catholic and others – could be forced to permit abortions or lose their license to operate.
For additional information about the Reproductive Freedom Amendment, visit Maryland RIght to Life,, Maryland Catholic Conference,, or Health Not Harm, and read our previous messages at
Message #5 -Did you Know - Parental Rights are Threatened by the Reproductive Freedom Amendment? - Another serious concern with the Reproductive Freedom Amendment is the threat to parental rights. The amendment language is "not limited to" abortion. By using the terms "person" and "individual" instead of "woman" or "adult", anyone under the age of 18 could have an abortion or alter their reproductive anatomy without their parents' consent or notification. State legislators rejected attempts to add minimum age or parental consent requirements to the law. Children, correctly treated as juveniles in the criminal justice system, could be allowed to make life-altering medical decisions regarding their reproductive biology. Please take the time to educate yourselves about this amendment. For more information, visit Maryland Catholic Conference,, Maryland RIght to Life, or Health Not Harm, and read our previous messages on the parish website:
As Catholics we firmly believe in and cherish human life from conception to natural death. We carry a positive message of love for life and ongoing enhancement of the relationship between the sanctity of our human lives, our souls and Christ's promise of eternal life if we live according to His commandments and the precepts of Holy Mother Church that is entrusted with the care of Christ's faithful on earth.
The Holy Redeemer Respect Life Committee consists of parishioners dedicated to the ongoing work of the church to protect all human life. It is our mission to foster in the community an awareness of the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural death. We are dedicated to observing and promoting the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church on all life issues, including: abortion, assisted suicide, fetal tissue research, stem cell research, and all other pro-life matters. We coordinate pro-life activities as well as keep parishioners informed about current legislation. Some of our activities include: the Annual DC March for Life, a Mother’s Day Carnation fundraiser, 40 days for life prayer vigils, rosaries, speakers, etc. We meet the 2nd Wednesday of the month from September to May at 7:30 pm in the lower level of the church. New members are always welcome – men and women. For more information contact Sandy Buffalano, or Paul Hurley,
Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female, he created them."