CIR EVERY Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room Catholic in Recovery or "CIR" provides healing from addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments. Meetings combine the spiritual principles of 12-step recovery and the sacraments of the Catholic Church. Join others in recovery as we overlap scripture from Sunday’s Mass readings, liturgical themes, and recovery topics with honest discussion and prayer. Confidentiality is protected. We welcome those recovering from any addiction, compulsion, or unhealthy attachment such as: • Alcoholism • Drug addiction • Compulsive overeating • Restricted eating • Lust/pornography addiction • Gambling addiction • Technology addiction • Compulsive spending/debting • Codependency If you're not able to join us Tuesday, please visit the link below to find out about CIR's many virtual zoom meetings throughout the week! Virtual Meeting Schedule - Catholic in Recovery For more information and to receive the weekly recovery-themed gospel reflection, visit, contact Paige (917) 699-1425 or, Travis (301) 582-8106 or, or Susie (240) 997-1383 or