Holy Redeemer fully encourages and supports programs and opportunities for children of the parish to participate in training and character building programs that enhance their ability to grow into responsible adult citizens, to become truly the leaders of tomorrow.
This is a monthly program designed to help parents prepare their sons to be men of character and faith by allowing "leaders to train leaders". Older boys (5th-8th grade) serve as mentors and models for the younger boys (K-4th grade), focusing on helping them with homework, and leading the sports, virtue talks and other leadership activities.
Fr. Mariano Ballestrem LC Boy’s LTP and ECYD Director +1 (240) 810-3429 https://www.ltpdc.com/ |
The Holy Redeemer Middle School Leadership Training Program (LTP) offers girls a five week meeting series per semester. The program is led by middle/high school mentors and focuses on building leadership skills, developing confidence and reinforces core Christian values, equipping the girls to be leaders among their peers.
For more information, please contact Rachel Borkowsky at rachelanneb@regnumchristi.net
Cub scouting is about fun, learning, service to the community, and building character. Cub Scout Pack 460 is about all of those things, plus a little more. We are a year-round family program designed for boys who are in the first through fifth grades (or 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 years of age).
Pack 460 has been serving the Kensington-Parkwood community since 1956. For more information, please call Matt Priester at 301-674-6803/mbpriester@aol.com.or visit our "Leaders" or 'Contact Us" at www.mdpack460.org
The Girl Scout troops at Holy Redeemer are a dynamic group of girls. Our troops are part of Service Unit 34 within the Girl Scout Council of the Nation's Capitol. Typically the troops are organized by mothers of 1st grade scouts and they begin their Girl Scout journey as Daisies in the lst grade. As they progress to 2nd and 3rd grades their leaders follow them to Brownies and then on to Junionrs in 4th grade. If interested in Girl Scouts at Holy Redeemer please contact Sarah Osborn at 301-461-2136.