RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is a program the American Bishops composed to help people learn about the teachings, spirituality, and culture of the Catholic faith with the idea of looking into possibly joining the Church, though at no time is pressure placed on anyone.This program is also a good way for adult Catholics who want to learn more about the Catholic Church to continue growing in the faith. Classes meet Wednesday evenings from 7:30 pm -9:00 pm in the Church Community Room, from the third week of September until the Tuesday before Memorial Day. The teachings of the Catholic Church will be unfolded in a sequential manner by a variety of presenters, with questions and discussion every week. If one is interested in joining the Church there will be three "Gateways" of coming into the Catholic Church with full initiation taking place at the Easter Vigil Mass. The full program and calendar will be explained the third Tuesday of September at the "Come and See" evening with the Pastor and the RCIA team. If you are interested, please call the Rectory at 301-942-2333.
Enter, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the Lord who made us. Psalm 95:6.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a devotion based on our belief that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. It serves as an extension of the adoration which occurs at Mass when the priest says “Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb." Adoration deepens our faith and helps us to establish and maintain our relationship with the Lord. Adoration takes place in the main church 5-days a week, Monday through Friday. Exposition is at 4:00 pm; reposition, 8:30 pm. Please contact Barbara Smothers, (301) 897-8066, bsmothers4@me.com, for more information.
Looking for an opportunity to meet new people, learn more about our faith, and have some fun? Join us for our small group meetings beginning the week of October 7. This Fall we have many wonderful studies with different dates/times-there's something for everyone (see below). Registration is free and there is limited child care on Tuesday mornings. Registration is open - you can click on the link below to register. Our Fall KickOff event is on Monday, September 30, 7 pm, in the lower level of the church. We will have a speaker followed by refreshments. Please come and bring a friend. For additional information, contact Julie Liotta - jervin.liotta@gmail.com or Janie Worch - janieworch2@gmail.com.
Monday (beginning 10/7):
7:00 pm - The Holy Spirit: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics (Fr. Mitch Pacwa) - in person
7:00 pm - Touching the Divine (Walking with Purpose) - in person
7:30 pm - Passionate Discipleship (Walking with Purpose) - Zoom
Tuesday (beginning 10/8):
8:15 am - Seek His Kingdom (Blessed is She) - Study of the Gospel of Matthew - in person
9:30 am - She Shall be Called Woman (Paradisus Dei) - in person
7:00 pm - Time for God (Fr. Jacques Philippe) - in person
Saturday (beginning 10/12):
7:15 am - Opening Your Heart (Walking with Purpose) - in person
“…Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”
Exodus 90 is Back! Are you Ready?
Our HR Men's Group will be starting Exodus 90 on Monday January 17, 2022.
"Exodus 90" is a 90 day spiritual exercise for men. The program is based on 3 pillars: prayer, asceticism, and fraternity which are all important aspects of the Christian life. Men who join the program will commit and strive to take on the following spiritual exercises: Make a daily holy hour; Read each day's scripture and reflection; Take short, cold showers; Practice regular intense exercise; Get a full night's sleep (7 or more hours); Abstain from alcohol; Abstain from desserts and sweets; Abstain from eating between meals; Abstain from soda or sweet drinks (white milk, black coffee, and black tea are permissible); Abstain from television, movies, or televised sports; Abstain from video games; Abstain from non-essential material purchases; Only listen to music that lifts the soul to God; Only use the computer for work, school, or essential tasks; Only use mobile devices for essential communication (cut out non-essential texting and internet use); Take Wednesdays and Fridays as days of fasting; Attend weekly fraternity meetings (one hour in length); Check in with an Anchor (friend doing the program) daily.
Our Fraternity meets weekly on Wednesday mornings from 5:30-6:30 AM in the Church basement with the option to come early at 5:10 AM for the recitation of the Holy Rosary. A weekly evening meeting will also be available throughout the program from 8-9 PM in the Church basement on Thursdays starting January 20, 2022. Men will also have the opportunity to attend Adoration before the evening fraternity meetings. Adoration is also offered on Saturday mornings from 6:00-7:00 AM for all parishioners and family members to attend as well.
To sign up for the HR Men's Group and regular newsletters about our programs go to the following link:
The link to sign up for the Exodus 90 App that we use for our HR Exodus Fraternity is below:
Men can also attend the fraternity meetings virtually at the following link:
If there are any further questions, you can contact Rob Liotta (Mobile: 240-350-4678; Email rliotta@heights.edu).